Should Box speakers be banned from the marketplace...

I have had an idea. The idea I have is the following. The idea I have is that, Box speakers should be made illegal, until it can be proven that they have better waterfall plots than any other existing box. If not, they will not be allowed to enter the marketplace. 

The advantage of this is that we would have less junk and higher quality speakers on the marketplace. 

Depression and suicide rates would drop for obvious reasons. There would be less trees being cut down due to less wood usage which would benefit the environment.

It would be a win win.

We would first need to convince President Biden to accept my idea first before it can be made law. The benefits would outweigh the drawbacks so I'm sure he would be ok with it.

Speaker cabinet technology has not really improved over the years. Even if drivers have improved, without better cabinets we wont benefit from it. We must ensure that cabinets are improved. 

I propose an idea to President Biden as to how we can improve our cabinets. The idea I propose is this. The idea is that high schools will teach a course on speaker cabinet technology. This would be mandatory the same way English and Mathematics are mandatory subjects. Hopefully, some of the smarter students would then decide to study this further at university. Eventually, we will have hundreds if not thousands of newly qualified Speaker cabinet tuners, ready to invent and design the most PERFECT speaker cabinets the world has ever seen. 

We must raise the bar folks. It has to start somewhere. Without a visionary like me, things will remain the same. If president Biden does not agree with my ideas, in ten years we will be seeing more MDF BOXES on the marketplace I KID YOU NOT!! 



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