Shorter speaker runs or shorter IC Runs...Which is the better set up and why?

Hello all!

So I am setting up 2 Bryston 28b Mono Amps and I would like opinions on which is a better way to do it? Should I place the amps close to the speakers with longer XLRs/shorter speaker wire OR longer speaker wire with a shorter XLRs and why? I think I know what conventional wisdom says but I am looking for the best option.

Thanks in advance!

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Showing 1 response by rikintpa

Ok it definitely looks like the short run speaker cables win!  Now for a (albeit entry level) follow up question.  When connecting the PreAmp to the Amp VIA XLRs should I opt for equal lengths of XLRs or just the shortest?  As example:  The preamp will be approximately 4 feet from one amp and say 13 feet from the other so should I do 2 lengths of 14 feet or 1 of 4 and the other of 14 or both 14?  Both the amp and preamp are balanced...Thanks!