Shortcut or badcut?

Is there some point to try to add a bit more air to my speakers, using the  'second set of speakers'   switch on my receiver?  If I punch on speakers 'A' AND 'B', with a set of same-impedance, higher-reaching speakers (maybe just some smaller units) on the second button, would that possibly attain my result, or is this just a bad idea?

Showing 2 responses by sound22card

I am quite happy with the sound I have, so I will take the given advice and not mess it up with a dumb idea.  The SuperTweeter seems like the way to go, so I will $tart $aving.

Thanks for the info.  Much ....appreciated.
Sincere thanks for the info and suggestions.
I just wanted more high-end extension. Sometimes I miss the shimmer and sparkle of the higher end.  I'm also one of those weirdos who think the inaudible higher frequencies have an effect on our bodies, and therefore, our listening experience, just like the very lows do. (I was once exposed to 22kHz, through an apparently loud driver, and although I didn't hear a thing, I felt like being exposed to positive ions, like at the seashore. )