

Responses from sound22card

Chain of command
Chain of command
I read somewhere where an Android (Samsung) phone, the Galaxy 7, puts out 16 or 24 bits, at 48 or 192kHz ...only, ...through the headphone 3.5mm jack.  If my music is 32f bits at 96000Hz on my thumbdrive then it will be demoted by the phone's DAC,... 
Shortcut or badcut?
Sincere thanks for the info and suggestions.I just wanted more high-end extension. Sometimes I miss the shimmer and sparkle of the higher end.  I'm also one of those weirdos who think the inaudible higher frequencies have an effect on our bodies, ... 
Chain of command
So, essentially, the headphone 'out' of the phone gives me the phone's DAC result, but using an OTG cable, out of the phone's USB will allow a connected DAC to give me it's results....but this is how I access my music (thumbdrive through an OTG in... 
Shortcut or badcut?
I am quite happy with the sound I have, so I will take the given advice and not mess it up with a dumb idea.  The SuperTweeter seems like the way to go, so I will $tart $aving.Thanks for the info.  Much ....appreciated. 
Chain of command
Not really looking for streaming, but want to play the hi-def music on my thumbdrives through a better DAC than the phone, but I will need one with a screen to select files, right? 
Ancient Ohms
I was more concerned with the 15 ohm speakers.  What limitations should I look for in a small amp with them.  I don't want to mismatch them or cause damage. 
Just wave!
Thanks, Duke.  This helps a lot.Would a rear-facing or top or bottom facing vent help, if it was expelling an opposite phase signal?  The room them comes into play to disperse that signal, correct?  Is it true that a TL is also meant to lessen the... 
Ohm alone, on the phones.
Curses!  Foiled again!Thanks. 
Mystery switch
I guess I shouldn't mention my DAT player then. 
Greenhorn question: Beware!
Honest thanks for the help.  With more info like what was given above, ...at some point, I will not have to ask simple questions.  Thanks a LOT! 
Greenhorn question: Beware!
Again, ...newbie here, ....Is there a capacitor or inductor that could be added in my case, to bring the final impedance into a normal range?  (I just want to get this playing music, so I can continue studying audio electronics. haha) 
Are you saying we could build a TL speaker enclosure, to accepted design, ....and then play around with the exit size to see if it enhances the sound?  (along with changing the stuffing and its placement)  This sounds like 'fun' to me!  
Thanks for the education, people.  I don't underestimate its value. 
These were all good links.  Thanks, guys.