Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!

Showing 11 responses by philjolet

I already have my WE 16ga and it sounds very big, seductive
and nuanced/expressive, even though they are not broken in

(I do not have a cable cooker)

Grannyring you nailed it: "just honest to goodness beautiful
sounding cable."

Mikirob thanks for your input as well

this may be the best deal I ever got in this crazy hobby

OP - buy some (if you can find it, they look sold out)
Mikirob I do not know much about wire but here is a link

I hope this helps
how about Belden 1585a?

Grannyring or Mikirob?

Have you compared it to the 8402?

not trying to hi jack the thread but this was recommended to me on AA and maybe should be considered...
Grannyring now you got me looking at the WE16g but the link you gave above expired. Can you recommend another source?

thanks Mikirob the link provided was sold out but he had another link that looked the same and I bought some.

fingers crossed

it sounds like an amazing deal and I can return my Anti Cable

I will consider (and look into) the Belden 8402 but I am pretty darn happy with Mogami 2534 mic cable and Neutrik pro fi ends especially for $58.
I can not find the 8402 online except for ebay 300ft

can you help? also where do you buy the RCA jacks you use?

thanks so much

I looked for the special solder to no avail, can you tell me what to ask for?

thank you again
I see, I did not understand and wanted to make sure, thank you
for everything! I placed the order and I look forward to
hearing the Belden!
One final post to tout the benefits of the Belden 8402 with the WE16ga.

I can not believe how much bigger the sound stage got and the definition top to bottom is outstanding, everything drenched in musical nuance and harmonics.

Things like hearing the skin of the drums or a guitar strumming are much more apparent, and a driving resonance in the bass is now gone.

This is a huge improvement over the Anticable level 2 and Mogami IC for less money!

Thanks so much Grannyring and Mikirob I would usually not listen to someone about a wire and make a change quickly like this but I had a feeling which turned out to be right.

Phil J
Oldcar63 I have been around the block a few times and the Belden is blowing me away like nothing else