Short speaker cable recommendation

Wondering if any one knows of a great speaker cable for really short application. Will be running from balanced Quicksilver V4 monoblocks bi-wired into Vandersteen 5A's. Could be as short as 12 inches. More likely 18".

I have been using Audioquest in the past. Their shortest length for any model appears to be 4 feet.

Any manufacturers offering wires this short? If I need to build them myself, any suggestions? Thanks!

Showing 15 responses by mikirob

I was initially going to install Jupiter capacitors in my redo of the Coincident Dynamo integrated, but now will go with the Arizona. I am likely to also replace the Nomex internal wiring with the WE 16ga?

I have some pretty good NOS Rectifiers, Mullard 5AR4 from 60s, Phillips, that Upscale is pushing, Grant Fidelity Black Treasure 274B, Mullard Fat Bottle coke shape from 40s/50s (saving for when I get the Franks), amongst others in my tube stash, but I am willing to go with any of the Yazaki-san recommendations and test it out, compare/contrast. This would be a lot more fun if NOS tubes were in line with the WE and Belden wire cost.
I'm glad I turned the board on to Jeff Day Blog on the Western Electric 16ga
tinned copper wire as well as the Belden 8402 microphone cable as
interconnect. I am also glad you are spreading the word. A big shout-out to
Jeff Day and his Spiritual twin, amp builder extraordinaire, Shirokazu
Yazaki-san, without whom, non of us would know about this WE speaker

I just wish Rebbi and some of the other folks on Rebbi's thread concerning
good speakers for his Audio Note AN Kit-1 would give it a go...they might
feel as I, you, and some others now feel, it is that good. And it is still dirt
cheap while it lasts. It too, is NOS and disappearing fast.

Your comments above absolutely mirror my own thinking. I'm not a DIY like
you, but I am going to take the plunge with my DIY-happy brother and use
this wire to re-wire my speakers, Coincident Dynamo, as well as some
other items.

Additionally, some of you reading this thread might consider the Belden
8402, very similar in character to the WE 16ga.
I could not agree more. I put the WE 16ga against my Goertz silver AG1, it lost. I also put it up against some other respected speaker cables that cost in the high hundreds. They also lost. Mr. Yazaki-san and his crew have some wonderful ears and totally know what they are doing. I'm following Yazaki-san suggested capacitor and resistor changes to Day's system, that Day is implementing. I am sure this is the sound I have been searching for.
The Arizona Caps are covered on the Jeff Day Wordpress Blog you
referenced above. Check out the Yazaki-san recommended changes to
Day's system via his capacitor change and update. I think you will find it
enlightening. Yazaki-san use these in his SPEC amp and many 300B
rebuilds. Like their name I believe the Arizona Caps (green/blue) are
located in Arizona, again, I believe Day provides a link.

Yazaki-san also recommends some resistor change to Day that will be
implemented soon. In addition, some tube variants.

I am so thrilled with the cable and interconnect suggested by Yazaki-san
that I too, am going to follow his other suggestions with regard to capacitor,
resistor, internal wiring and tube types/brand as applicable to my situation.
For example, Yazaki-san just sent Day a Haltron 5u4G to try and he and
several friends agreed it bettered the tube in his already superb amp. Now,
Haltron did not manufacturer tubes, but rebrand under their name; trick is to
find out what NOS was it? Brimar? GEC? Or other British Rectifier? This
tube discussion is also on the Day Blog you reference above.

Philjolet, I don't know anything about the Belden1585a as compared to the
Belden 8402. Perhaps I should buy and compare/contrast. Can you tell me
more about it?
I think the Arizona caps are slightly less expensive, for some reason $42.00 sticks in my brain. I'm willing to bet Yazaki-san has tried nearly every decent Cap from NOS to modern.
Here is a link to Arizona Capacitors:

They are located in Tucson, Arizona.
I'll have to defer to you about all the DIY. I have NO experience. But I'm willing to purchase both the Jupiter and Arizona Cactus, Green/Blue and compare/contrast. I trust I can call on you, Jetrexpro, as well as others on Agon as I venture further. Best, Rob
I just checked the link and it still works. The eBay seller of the Western Electric 16ga wire is named tajacobs. Legit, that is where Grannyring, I, and the Day Blog responders are buying. The only other sellers I am aware of are in Japan or Taiwan.
Yazaki-san, in Day Blog said same, especially if you have a run beyond 4
meters if I remember correctly. I believe he stated 16ga better up to slightly
longer than 3 meters.
I'm so happy you are enjoying this combo of wire as much as I am. I keep pinching myself, thinking Day and Yazaki-san helped me find the sound I was looking for for cheap $ after all these years of spending $$$$ for wire that can't match this combo of WE and Belden. It's just amazing!
Yes, the Belden is easy to make balanced. Refer to the Day blog above.
See Grannyring link. The Link in the Day Blog gets you to the Belden seller.
They can do the balanced terminations for you. But you should read the
Jeff Day Blog with all comments from respondents as well as Yazaki-san,
the builder of the SPEC amp who recommended the WE16ga and Belden
8402. We owe Yazaki-san a huge thank you! Best, Rob
I am so glad that you find these cables as engaging as I do. As Grannyring stated, "this combo is simply as good as it gets," is true to my ears. I had a good hearty laugh when I received an email from the Cable Company informing me that Shun Mook was selling Western Electric speaker cables for over $3,000. I'm giddy thinking about that one.

The real hero here to thank is Shirokazu Yazaki-san who brought this wire to the attention of Jeff Day (reviewer extraordinaire for Positive Feedback and 6 Moons) and Jeff Day brought this WE wire to our attention via his Wordpress Blog: that Grannyring kindly linked. You should read Day's blog, most people could learn quite a lot. Best, Rob
Thank you. I'm going to attempt your suggestion of doubling up the WE 16ga at some point today, plan on a weekend of listening. A side benefit to to me with this WE 16ga and Belden combo is that my wife also think it's the best combo we've ever had, she is really digging the sound now, and very enthused about listening. Like you said above I wish some of our Agon friends would give this combo a go.

Soon I will begin wiring up my speakers! change crossover and capacitor. Then it's Little Mo (Coincident Dynamo 34SE) turn. I'll make the the
capacitor, resistor, and wiring change there as well according to Yazaki-san sage advice. I'll keep you posted. Best, Rob
Thanks for the info. I'm going to trust that all will work out and I am going to have fun. As I said, I am a novice, will sweat bullets with knees knocking, but it will get done. Thank G-d my brother will be there to hold my hand and rescue me if I make a mistake...he has been doing stereo DIY for 40 years. Best, Rob
Second Grannyring on his suggestion; don't over complicate this simple task. Just go naked!