Short list of musical subwoofers

I plan to invest a "musical" subwoofer to augment the music listening experience of my current two-channel sound system. After a few digging over the acting forum and on-line reviews, it seems the following budgetary sealed (primarily) subwoofers are often mentioned and raved:

- Rythmic L12 (18Hz; sealed, servo controlled; 300 watts RMS; $609);

- RSL Speedwoofer 10S (24Hz; front ported; 350 watts; $428);

- Rel T5x (8 in; 32Hz@-6db; 125 watts; $680)

- SVS SB 1000 (24Hz, sealed; 300 watts; $450) or 2000 (19Hz; sealed; 500 watts; $600);

All above claim to have quick, accurate bass that is good for music listening. Rel, although not being able to extend to 20Hz, has been highly rated for easy integration into the sound system. I am not even sure if being able to get down low and/or the wattage of the active amp are critical to the musical application. My living room is about 25 ft wide and 20 ft deep. I do have limited budget but if others are warranted for a higher price tag in your opinion I am willing to bump up the budget. You inputs are highly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by imaninatural

I was strongly considering REL as well, and believe they are a good choice.

However, the REL hook-up utilizes the high-level speaker wire for input. So both the main speakers and subwoofer operate from the same signal.

I went instead with a Rythmik F12, which operates from the RCA low level input, then the Rythmik has a HPF (high pass filter) RCA out to feed your power amp, then your mains.

The benefit that it reduces the amount of low frequency requirement going to the mains. This reduces the amount of woofer excursion in the mains, improving their clarity.

I was less familiar with Rythmik at first, but I had earlier purchased a pair of Fritz Carbon 7's. I spoke with Fritz before choosing the sub to pair with them and he recommended a sub with the "servo" technology, which the Rythmik has.