Short list of dacs for CEC TL-2X

No chance of me borrowing, auditioning or dealers in my area, so any help on these would be nice : Audio Aero Prima, Audiomeca Enkianthus, Audio Logic 2400, Audio Note 3.1, Thor DC 1000, Zanden 5000, Jadis ?

Showing 3 responses by rcprince

Audio Logic DACs work very well with the CEC transports. The current transformer-coupled version beats anything I've heard at any price (although I haven't heard the transformer-coupled Audio Notes, which from their description seem to have a similar sonic signature), and at the $3200+ price being offered on the A-goN new is a virtual steal. One of the few DACs around that can give you the details and the music as well, if you know what I'm saying.
Not sure what the Alpha sounds like, but the Audio Logic does fit your criteria in terms of naturalness, openness and, particularly with the transformer upgrade, slam and bass extension. It is not completely laid-back, I suppose, unless that trait is on the recording, but it certainly is not an upfront, in your face presentation (some of its character, particularly if you don't get a transformer-coupled version, will depend on the tubes you use). It just sounds more "alive" and real to me than most DACS, and does a great balancing act between retrieval of detail and sounding "musical"; from the comments I've heard, the higher level Audio Notes appear to have the same qualities. I'd choose it over the Thor and Jadis, simply because Jerry Ozment designed those units as well and I think he saved some of his best work for his own unit, and at a substantially lower price. Can't comment on the rest of them, although you've certainly identified the DACs that, from the reports I've heard, probably have sound qualities that you're looking for. If you're near enough to my area (northern NJ), you're welcome to come and give a listen to the AL.
You could give him a call and ask (203-966-1732), although I'd suggest instead picking up a used 2400 or later Model 34 for cheap. I strongly endorse the transformer upgrade, though--it keeps the same character of the tubed unit but is quieter and improves dynamics, bass, neutrality and detail retrieval. The Meitner unit is reputed to be something special (check AA SACD threads, people are just now receiving their units), if you have the scratch it would be worthwhile looking into, especially for its SACD capability, but then you'll want a new transport.... I once had a Meitner CD3, a beautiful unit which I should have kept but sold when Musetex was having problems. Ed's past work has had a distinctive sonic signature, but I prefer Ozment's work on CD, and since I have his analog stage on my Sony SACD I'm not really lusting for the Meitner gear as much as I might. If they do come up with a universal interface for DSD digital data (and with SACD transports apparently being offered now by Sony, it looks like that is going to be a reality), and if SACD does in fact succeed, then the Audio Logic is a good deal because it can decode DSD digital signals internally and Jerry probably would be able to install a DSD digital input.

Northern Ohio, eh? Probably only a couple of hours to my place in the car that you use for your moniker!