Short Lifetime for 6NS7 Tubes

I’ve been experiencing a high rate of 6SN7 tubes and their variants becoming microphonic and some going bad way too soon. I buy NOS tubes from only two venders with stellar reputations that are often mentioned here on the forum.
Please, no lectures on the risk of buying NOS; I’ve been buying 12AU7’s and 12AX7’s for my various preamps for years from these dealers and I can only recall sending two tubes back. Anyway, I’ve owned my current preamp for one year and have been rolling in 6SN7’s.
I’ve had 6SN7GT’s and 6SN7GTB’s go microphonic in a few months time, and I’ve had a RCA 5692 "redbase" and a RCA VT-231 go bad in less than a year. This latest tube (VT-231) drove me crazy as I tried to diagnose why my system was lacking bass and detail; surely it couldn’t be a 6 month old tube. I cleaned the connections, changed cables, but it turned out to be the tubes. I don’t know if it is one or the pair that is bad.

You know who these dealers are and the tubes I buy have the test results written on the box and are matched. They offer 30 day returns, but that doesn’t help in my situation. Has anybody else experienced 6SN7’s living a short life or have I just been unlucky?

* a typo in the title, I'm really not a dummy.


Showing 2 responses by mechans

I have always noted that the old NOS 6SN7 GTs have a strong tendency towards microphonia.  The fact that you have been free of it in those tubes for extended periods is exceptional. You may be forced to use current production to get what you want.  BTW is the microphonia heard whilst just playing or do you have to tap on the tubes. If it's the later just don't tap..

Confessions of a 6SN7 addict-

I collected a large variety of 6SN7s to serve as drivers in my first foray into modern tube amps (a Consonance M100 + ). In that role they demonstrated their differences some quite distinct and some only nuanced. The stock S tubes and EH tubes however were no match against the old tubes and thus the slippery slope of tube rolling. 

Then  I bought an inexpensive preamp which uses 6SN7s as the main amplifying element. All of a sudden some of those perfectly good tubes sounded precariously micophonic or otherwise noisy.  Some of them were fairly expensive 'precious' old stock GTs.  The tubes were still quite functional in almost all cases but I couldn't subject them to trauma.  The upshot is that microphonia may be a problem in one circuit and not another, in addition,  particularly  in a gain section of a preamp.