Shopping for an integrated amp

I want to simplify my system a little, largely at my wife's request, so am thinking of switching to an integrated to replace my current separates (Parasound Halo A23 and Meridian 562v w/DAC, powering ProAc Response 1 SC speakers and a very old AudioPro subwoofer). Would like for this to be an actual upgrade or at the very least sideways move. However, the dizzying array of choices has me somewhat paralyzed. I've heard and been impressed by Musical Fidelity's M6i, which hits the ceiling of my price-range. Wasn't overwhelmed by Anthem's 225 Integrated, but didn't hear it with my speakers. Can't audition NAD M3 because even the local NAD dealers won't carry it--they don't seem to like that product line. Would be grateful for opinions.

Showing 1 response by soix

If a used Hegel H300 shows up used it might be in your price range and has a good DAC in it as well -- that's what I'd do. Or, if you want to buy new and can work with 74wpc their new H80 could be worth a look as it uses a similar preamp section and amp technology from the H300. Also like the Ayre recommendation. Best of luck.