Shipping damage protocol? Please Help.

I seek advice regarding a purchase I made which arrived damaged. I bought a pair of speakers in late December with a money order. They were shipped via UPS and were damaged in transit. The seller submitted the claim, pursuant to UPS policy, and UPS retrieved them for inspection. I then requested a refund, based on the Audiogon Shipping Damage Policy

In short, it stipulates "The seller in the instance of damage occurring during transit can expect full cooperation from the recipient in filing a damage claim with the shipper. The recipient however will not be required to wait for a successful claim to recover his purchase price."

I am happy to work with another member to find a reasonable solution, irrespective of "policy", yet he responded to my refund request with only, "Thank you for your note. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from UPS." Never mind that UPS' decision has no bearing on refunding me, his belittling response is beyond aggravating. He and I both have significant positive feedback and I never saw this coming.

Has anyone been in such a situation and how did you deal with it. Any other thoughts on this policy, is it widely ignored as being irrelevant and I am in the dark? Thank you sincerely for your time.

Showing 1 response by mcdaddy

I had the exact same thing happen when I purchased a cd player recently that came damaged. I requested a refund from seller, he refused but said he would send me any money that UPS would refund in a claim. When I notified Audiogon, they recommend that we work it out on our own or that I could pay for a moderater to make a decision on the case($99). Ultimately after a couple of months, UPS did pay the claim(which went to seller or course) and I was fortunate that the seller did send me the money. I do believe that you are right about getting the seller to refund first like I tried to do, but getting him to do so may be a differant story.