Shipping damage protocol? Please Help.

I seek advice regarding a purchase I made which arrived damaged. I bought a pair of speakers in late December with a money order. They were shipped via UPS and were damaged in transit. The seller submitted the claim, pursuant to UPS policy, and UPS retrieved them for inspection. I then requested a refund, based on the Audiogon Shipping Damage Policy

In short, it stipulates "The seller in the instance of damage occurring during transit can expect full cooperation from the recipient in filing a damage claim with the shipper. The recipient however will not be required to wait for a successful claim to recover his purchase price."

I am happy to work with another member to find a reasonable solution, irrespective of "policy", yet he responded to my refund request with only, "Thank you for your note. I will get back to you as soon as I hear from UPS." Never mind that UPS' decision has no bearing on refunding me, his belittling response is beyond aggravating. He and I both have significant positive feedback and I never saw this coming.

Has anyone been in such a situation and how did you deal with it. Any other thoughts on this policy, is it widely ignored as being irrelevant and I am in the dark? Thank you sincerely for your time.

Showing 2 responses by glory


Bdgrerory is on the mark.

Forget the moderator and disput system, it does not work, as I have tried it.

Remember most Americans live pay check to pay check and for him to give your money back after he has (if) spent it would cause a major financial set back. Most don't have the morals to know right from wrong or how to to business in a upright manner.

Some people when you push the letter of the law on them,('Gon policy ) causes them to go slower. I for one would take his head off with this policy but my wife knows how to rescue me and write in such a manner that makes people want to listen to my requests.

132's comment is some of the strange outlooks you will get on this question.
Shipping damage/losses: The seller in the instance of damage occurring during transit can expect full cooperation from the recipient in filing a damage claim with the shipper. The recipient however will not be required to wait for a successful claim to recover his purchase price.


Please read the out line for shipping damage. End of Dec. to Jan 12 and no refund no morals and does not know right from wrong. Wrong is right and right is wrong. Very sad you just do not get it.

What makes this hard on this member is that he is a business man that knows how to to business in a upright manner. Very frustrating when you deal with people who have no clue on upright transactions. Did I use the word upright, sorry for sayindg a cuse word.

Recepient is not required to wait.......... Lets change it and make it read recepient should get half........

It's called lawlessness.

PAY UP SELLER if you are reading this.