Shindo Masseto w Koetsu .3mv output

Hoping to get opinions on whether the MC stage of a Shindo Masseto has enough gain to produce strong dynamics from a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Platinum cartridge  (.3mv output). Or would I need a SUT?


Bonus question: any opinions on whether I would get better overall sound using an Aurieges pre (newer version) w an Hommage SUT through its MM section, or by playing straight into the MC section of a Masseto? The cost of each of these setups could be close to one another on the used market. When I say better sound, my priorities are a very organic "you are there midrange", lots of instrumental textures, realistic soundstage cues, and overall emotional impact of the music.


Thanks very much for any thoughts. My table is a Sota Nova vacuum and tonearm is Jelco TK-850 10". Amps are Quicksilver v4 monoblocks.


Showing 5 responses by charles1dad


2V output from a DAC is neither high nor low output, compared to most other DACs.  It's typical

Agree that is typical or standard voltage output for  DACs. Most amplifiers input sensitivity is less than 2 volts. However, many listeners realize improved sound quality with a high quality active preamplifier in the signal path. Even so, you still want to avoid excessively high gain preamplifiers. Thus my suggestion for a modest/lower gain unit. 16 db of gain is gratuitous for most DACs.

Quick example, my DAC has 3.5 output voltage, line stage has 10 db of gain and speakers are 94 db sensitivity. My volume control range is usually 10-2:00 o’clock for a wide variety of recordings.



8:30-9:00 volume control range is quite narrow/limited. 8 to 10 db of gain is probably ideal given the output voltage of your DAC.You’d have more range and fine tuning of the volume control. 


Well, 16 db of gain is still a pretty decent amount and it’s possible that your DAC could have more than the assumed 2V output.



I really appreciate your feedback and insight. At one time I gave serious thought to acquiring a Shindo preamplifier and amplifier combo. I subsequently chose the Coincident pairing and have been thrilled. However I believe that I’d have been very pleased with Shindo as well. Decisions!😊

I do not have a single doubt that if you ever decide to go with the Shindo Giscours and WE 300b SET pairing, there would be no looking back. Your comments on Aurender attributes are very encouraging without question. Thank you.



I did not know that you had a Shindo component/system background. Very interesting. Does the Aurender house signature remind or have any sonic characteristics in common with Shindo?
