Shiit yggdrasil

I purchased this dac a few months back and I am absolutely blown away by how much I enjoy listening to it. I have owned a Bi-dat, Ayre QB DSD, Resolution Audio, PS Audio and many others as well as in home demo of very expensive Chord, Aesthetics and DCS gear. Nothing has sounded this good in my room in my system( Devore Fidelity, Line Magnetic - other products I absolutely love). Please forgive my lack of detailed description and hyperbole as I know many of us hear and experience reproduced sound differently so you might hate it. This is just a recommendation to try it. I am so glad I did. and wanted to share my experience.
As a former PS dac owner, and current Schiit dac owner IMHO, there is absolutely no quality drop going from PS to Schiit. Sonics merits of every model is different and I haven't heard the Directstream Jr.  I own other PS products and have nothing but praise for Paul & his company. But, your comments seem to imply that because of price the Schiit must not be well built. Not true. They sell direct, their is less markup.

The guys behind Schiit were responsible for Theta and other high end gear that was higher priced when marketed thru typical dealer base. They aren't just making value stuff. They are making some of the best sounding gear at selling it for uncommonly fair pricing.  Their used gear sells faster & at higher percent of original than most. Cheers,
Thanks for that feedback Spencer.  That's exactly what I was looking for.

I didn't mean to imply Schiit products are not well built.  I've only become aware of the Schiit brand recently and I really don't know much about them.  I don't know if their products are well built or not, that's why I was asking for feedback from others.
henrykrinkle; please respond with your impression of this when you can. I am also interested in this piece. Also interested in the Yamaha cd s 2100, but cant find much about it.