Shiit yggdrasil

I purchased this dac a few months back and I am absolutely blown away by how much I enjoy listening to it. I have owned a Bi-dat, Ayre QB DSD, Resolution Audio, PS Audio and many others as well as in home demo of very expensive Chord, Aesthetics and DCS gear. Nothing has sounded this good in my room in my system( Devore Fidelity, Line Magnetic - other products I absolutely love). Please forgive my lack of detailed description and hyperbole as I know many of us hear and experience reproduced sound differently so you might hate it. This is just a recommendation to try it. I am so glad I did. and wanted to share my experience.

Showing 9 responses by georgehifi

Good choice mpd, you also have a 5year warranty and 15 day return if for some reason you or your system don't get off on it.

I very much believe, and this is being backed up by some very esoteric gear now as well, that going back to R2R Ladder Multibit dac conversion is far superior to convert Redbook (PCM) digital than any of the Delta Sigma (1bit, Bitstream, ESS Sabre) based dacs can do, there is a big shift back to Multibit for this by many hiend manufactures now, and Schitt has bought this back for a very good price.

Sadly, though if your a dsd listener you have to go Delta Sigma and take the sound quality reduction of Reedbook on the chin, not being "bit perfect" 

Many reports are saying that dsd is a hoax anyway, I've yet to hear native dsd do anything special, and there's not much material that I want that is native dsd anyway.

Cheers George   

Rick this thread is about the Schitt Yggdrasil, not about the mods you now do to the Gustard that are pride of place at the head of your website.

That you now link to suddenly with a change in your signature in all your latest posts. Which I'm sure if the mods see it, is not a kosher way of getting free advertising for yourself. 

Cheers George

It’s there for you to study and read ricevs if you take the time. PCM (Redbook) is best converted using Multibit Ladder dacs implemented correctly naturally.

If you just listen to a few biased owners that’s up to you, next you’ll be advocating Synergistic fuses, because a few say so.

Cheers George

It’s not from an obsessed person/s on forums, just read and enlighten yourself from those many digital tech designers that are in the know about PCM conversion and search their posts and papers and advanced knowledge explanations on what’s best for PCM conversion. And you’ll understand maybe what goes on. Search "Delta Sigma vs Multibit" doing PCM.

Multibit is "bit perfect", Delta Sigma is not. And of course there are other factors (I/V stage just being one) around the conversion technique used that need to be addressed. But get it right, in both and Multibit is clearly ahead of Delta Sigma for doing PCM (Redbook) conversion.

Even Martin Mallison of ESS Sabre said in a video (if you care to search and watch it). That finally their lastest ESS Sabre dac is "close" to the performance of Mulitbit doing PCM conversion.

Cheers George

Like where you now stand, promoting (headlining) now on your site the mods for the Gustard, when a year ago it was for the best ever for PCM the early v1 Schitt Yggdrasil.

And yes quote like this below, are just what those voodoo fuses are all about.

6. Demagnetize the CD with a bulk eraser, one of the audiophile demagnetizers or the Walker Talisman. Works great but you must do this every time you play.

Pity they’re made of plastic and aluminium, and therefore invisible to a demagnetizer. (plenty more where that one came from) unless there's a frantic clean up done on all the voodoo. 

Cheers George

You started the mud slinging sunshine, with this aimed at me.

not some obsessed person on a forum


I’ve read on other forums that the Gustard DAC-X20U ($870.)
outperforms the Yggy.

Anyone here compared them?

Not for reproduction of Redbook CD (PCM) it can’t, as it uses sabre (Delta Sigma based) dacs.

Only Ladder Multibit Dac can reproduce PCM "Bit Perfect". Delta Sigma just gives an approximation, one thing it can do is dsd, if your into that hoax.

Cheers George

deepee99I have Schiit’s entry-level Bifrost and for the size and array of my system it is perfect. As for build quality, let’s put it this way: You wouldn’t want one thrown at you. You’d be flat on the floor and the DAC would be playing its heart out. My other DAC is the Emotiva, every bit as good and with balanced outs at about the same price.

Should have paid the extra $200 for the ladder Multibit version, then you would have had "Bit Perfect" conversion of Redbook.

Cheers George

I've been preaching this all along that R2R Ladder Multibit dacs have it all over DSD (Delta Sigma) dacs for "Redbook" replay conversion. As they are "bit perfect" in their conversion, and not a facsimile of it, like DSD Delta Sigma conversion dacs do.

These expressive quotes from Mike Moffat (Schitt) hits the nail on the head.

We’ve thrown out delta-sigma D/As and traditional digital filters to preserve the original samples all the way through from input to output.

21 Bits, No Guessing: Mission-Critical D/A Technology
When doctors are trying to diagnose whether you have gas or cancer from MRI results, or when the military is trying to ensure a missile hits an ammo dump and not a nunnery next door, they don’t use “24 bit” or “32 bit” delta-sigma D/A converters. Instead, they rely on precision, multibit ladder DACs, like the Analog Devices AD5791. This allows them the bit-perfect precision they need for critical applications, rather than the guesswork of a delta-sigma. We chose this same critical technology for Yggdrasil. Following these unique D/A converters are sophisticated discrete JFET buffers and summers.