shiit Freya+ muffles the base? Recommendation for preamp please

I have always liked the sound of B&W. So I recently upgraded my speakers to 804s. They’ve been sitting there for a while as I do not have a proper amp to drive them, till recently I got a Classe CA-2300. So I set everything up, excitedly!

my system got:

- Shiit Bifrost

- Shiit Freya+
- Classe CA-2300

- B&W 804s


so right after I turned on, I noticed the lack of base. The mid and high are sweet and clear. But the base is just not there, completely. A friend suggested to go from DAC to amp which I did. It suddenly brought forward all the missing base, tight and clear just like how it should be. Plus I am hearing some details I don’t get with Freya+ in the middle.


So I am wondering why the Freya+ is muffling the base? Just because it’s not in the league now? 

while without the preamp it got all the base, I do find it’s dryer and less musical. I do like how the tube preamp tune the sounds.. so any recommendation for a good tube preamp?


thanks all!






Are your speakers broken in? My Avior ii speakers were light on the bass when they were new and at about 300 hours I was able to hear a big difference. Good luck! 


plus 1 @azmixr 

How many hours does everything have? 

Doesn’t the Freya have both a solidstate and a tube output  setting? How does the it sound on the ss setting?

All the best.


@ronboco @curiousjim 

I bought the speakers second hand. You'd think it's broken in. but you never know if the previous owner put enough power into it...


all said, I tried XLR cables and it made a big difference! If I rate the bass at 7 when the system goes from DAC to Amp,  I probably got 4 with Freya+ in the middle (with single ended cable). with XLR cable from Freya+ to Amp, the bass is 6 or 6.5 but now I got the tube color. So interesting...


I am in market for a good tube preamp now. but at least the system is not enjoyable. 


thanks all!


 I still have an Audio Research SP-9mkll (89-90) on what is now my second system and it’s still sounding great to me!

All the best.