Shielded vs Unshielded Stranded vs Solid Core PC's

I've always preferred a sound with extended clear highs and upper mids but a firm bass with overall fullness in the midrange. Overall clarity, with a detailed top, midrange, power in the low end. (real and natural instruments in the room for jazz)

My question is what is the best power cord design to help acheive this? Or is there one? Or is it all about the individual PC designer and application? Are stranded/ unsheilded PC's for amps and integrateds and stranded/ shielded for digital sources the way to go? OR solid core? Does it matter, or can you go either? Or can any of the designs help achieve your sound goals depending on the pc designer's application?

Showing 1 response by stringreen

Actually, the wire itself is the part that least affects the sound...the connectors are the real performers.