Of course, you should try both. The fact that you live in a large city may(?) make "shielded" a better option. Do you live in a private house or a multi-dwelling? When I lived in apartments in New York City, shielded cables always seemed to work better.
shielded cables & IC's or not?
I have a noderately high end system with electrostatic hi-bred Prodigy speakers, Solid State equipment- ML336/ML380s/ML390s and Magnum Dynalab FM Tuner all equipment on glass shelves on rack behind one speaker. I live in San Antonio Texas (large city of over 1 mil.)and plug my system directly into the wall (110v). I am using top of the line Monster cable M2.4 and mid line interconnects by monster thinking to upgrade cables. Which type of cable should I consider shielded or not?