Shieded power cable with small gauge conductors

For my computer audio setup, I need a good cable for the power port. 

The cable needs to be well shielded with small gauge conductors.

I don't want to break the bank with something, but I need to upgrade from the power cord that came with the unit.

Thanks for any advice

Showing 1 response by adg101

Curious why it needs to be shielded and small gauge conductors? Are you referring to it being small gauge because you want a flexible cable and what is your budget? Not knowing much to go off here, I'll throw out Kimber PK14 Ascent or older, used Gold; pretty sure same cable with a new name. Not a shielded cable, but very flexible. All my power cords which two are Kimber PK10 Golds pick up no noise whatsoever. My experience is a well designed unshielded cable is more open than a shielded cable, for most cable types except for a turntable. If you truly do need a shielded PC, verify if the shield is floating or tied to the ground at one or both ends. If you haven't experimented with an unshielded cable I would recommend giving it a try. Always tons of used PC's out there, so if you're watching the budget, buy used over new or build your own as well.