sheep's wool vs. polyfil

Several months ago, while having some mods done to an older pair of speakers' x-overs, I asked some questions on this forum about insulation/damping. A few people posted responses stating long-haired sheep's wool is a great alternative to traditional polyfil and actually superior in performance. At first, I thought they were joking at this newbie's expense (and they very well may be...still). If they were indeed sincere could somebody please weigh in on this topic and explain the benefits to me? It may be worth the afternoon to experiment with this alternative medium. Also, where would I be able to buy some of this wool (I haven't had much luck w/online searches). If I've been played the fool, please excuse my idiocy. Thank you and BAAAA!
Tvad...I believe (have read that) wool is slightly more efficient in sound absorption, and the reason is the microscopic stucture of the fibers.

True audiophiles insist on wool from organicly-raised sheep:)
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Wool was the original (and best) enclosure fill material. Its only drawback is that it can be attacked by moths. Dacron, or fiberglass are acceptable substitutes.
Reminds me of the story about the animal psychologist who helped the farmer by speaking to his chickens, horses and pigs.

When it came time to speak with the sheep the farmer exclaimed, "Don't you believe anything them lying sheep tell you."
I'm taking my shears to my brother-in-laws farm tonight,
BAAAA...You are not the fool. Many hi end speaker manufactures use wool for their bass cavities. Although the trend more recently is synthetic blends like Dacron's fiberfill.( Von Schweikert and others) Check out the Meadowlark web site(
They use felt lined trasmission line bass cavities lined with long hair wool for resonance control and tuning.

Happy Sheparding!