Shawn Colvin anyone?

I saw Shawn Colvin last night at the McCarter Theater in Princeton. A solo acoustic show, no opener. This is the fourth or fifth time I've seen her and each time her playing seems to mature and her voice just keeps getting better and better. She opened with The Only Living Boy In New York. A rather sad tune. At the end of it she said: "that's as cheerful as it's gonna get tonight". The rest of the rather short show was steeped in her darker, lonlier songs. It was a very intimate, beautiful, yet lonely performance. Incredible acoustics, respectful crowd and exquisite guitar work. If you've never had a chance to see her - go! If you are a fan of her's, catch one of her current shows. She is near the top of her game right now.

Showing 2 responses by mdomnick

dam, wish I could have been there!!! Everything But The Girl does "Only Living Boy..." and it's one of my favorites. I recently discovered Eva Cassidy. She died of cancer before she had a chance to get famous, and she definitly would have been famous...incredible voice!! You may also want to check out Nora Jones.
Eva's cd Imagine is her best IMO. Just a tremendous cd!!! Wish she had a chance to do more work. I can't say enough about Nora Jones either. She has got talent coming out of ears...and she ain't bad to look at;)