Sharing ground wire between two dedicated circuits

Planning to install two dedicated 20amp circuits with Romex 10/3 and 10/2 Cable. The run is about 70 feet. Have learned that the 10/3 as an insulated ground versus 10/2 which has a ground wire but it's not insulated.

Idea has been proposed to share the insulated ground from the 10/3 wire with the other 10/2 dedicated circuit. Achieves the same thing at a lot less cost? Does this make sense?




Showing 4 responses by emergingsoul

gs5556, amazing answer thank you

Is Romex 10/3 good for the dedicated Circuit?  I was told the ground was insulated, which seems like a good idea. True?

I was also told 10/3 better to use vs 10/2, because the ground is insulated and 10/2 is not. So it's all a bit confusing

So it sounds like having an insulated ground back to the panel doesn't matter.  What about interference, all that noise and crap being diverted back to the panel via ground.  Why would I want noise from in uninsulated ground to be used???

This is the most confusing thread I've ever read in my entire life. No wonder hi-fi interest is diminishing after reading all this.

There are simple answers to simple questions and yet it seems so damn complicated. Clarity of communication Via simplicity is true genius.