Shangling CD-T100 CD Player in need of repair

I have a Shangling CD-T100 that can use some service. It has at random a ticking sound something like a scratch on a record and sometimes it seems like a fraction of a word is cut off, something like skip. I am talking like only one letter of a word. This does not happen often but when it does it takes away from my enjoyment of the music. I live in the San Fernando Valley in California and looking for someone to check this out so I do not have to send it across the country. If I have to ship it I will but hate to have this bounced around.


Great that all is good now. You are now what's called a laser modifier, first one I've ever heard of.

Now you know how easy they are to replace, and how some charge way too much to do the job.

Cheers George 

Hi George,

I hope you done mind me piggy-backing on this thread as I dont seem to ba able to send you a mail directly.

I'm a wee bit desperate as I have a Shanling CDT-300 in for repair, part of the PSU is not working and I'd really like to get my hands on a schematic before proceeding.
I noted on this thread that you have a schematic for the CDT100, so perhaps you have one for the CDT300 or  can point me at someone who does? I'm in the UK.
Many thanks in anticipation.

Cheers, Colin

Na, sorry Colin. If you do end up finding one, look at things carefully as there are a few mistakes on the T100's schematic. 

Cheers George
The transport on my CD-T100 (gen 1) has gotten noisy over the years - enough that it's distracting with quiet music.  Would replacing my mechanism with a VAM1202 do the trick to quiet it down?  I've tried playing with the lid adjustment but it seem to have no effect on the noise.  The noise definitely varies with speed of the disc - it sound like it's the disc motor to me.  I haven't had it apart yet so if there are any tricks I'd love to know about them - all advise welcome.

Cheer, Bruce