Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu

Santa Claus drops a pair of speakers under your tree in the middle of the night, what do you choose:

  • Pearl Acoustics Sibelius
  • Ohm Walsh 2000
  • Zu Union Supreme 6
  • Bonus Option: Something from Decware with a Lii Song Driver

Extra credit if you add an amp < $5k to the wishlist.





Showing 1 response by snowdog57

From personal experience, can only comment about the Ohm 2000s... they're in my secondary system(living room tv center - using both stereo and 5.1). They sound amazing driven by Primaluna HP Integrated with AntiCables. Also, location-wise, they're not in an ideal spot for serious 2 channel listening but the imaging is incredible for where they are placed. Smooth-as-butter sound(regardless of which amplifier I've used).

Good luck on your search!