Responses from snowdog57
Oh no, say it ain't so. 1st time ever in my life scoring 100 percent on a survey! Read this with what is surely intended to be humorous... and, yes, it was laughingly like looking in the mirror. Loved some of those pics, as well. Helpful reminder to keep music enjoyment ... | |
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations Thank you all for your suggestions! Definitely food for thought on compatibility, etc. Fwiw, the Laiv uDac doesn't have RCA outs and it was suggested to use XLR to RCA cables by one of the posters on Laiv's comment section - that was my only frame... | |
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu From personal experience, can only comment about the Ohm 2000s... they're in my secondary system(living room tv center - using both stereo and 5.1). They sound amazing driven by Primaluna HP Integrated with AntiCables. Also, location-wise, they're... | |
Favorite scream in rock? "Didacts & Narpets" - Geddy Lee | |
Bluesound Node130 LPS upgrade... @bassbuyer Excellent point about my max budget earlier... I would say $2.5k, and have seen a used Aurender N150 for sale on the 'Gon from what looks to be from a reputable hifi store. I have also looked at Innuos too - it is definitely worth co... | |
Bluesound Node130 LPS upgrade... Thanks for all your suggestions and options. I think I've narrowed down my future streamer within the Aurender line - based on your experiences and positive critiques. Since I have two Node130s, a Vault at work, and the extra cash I will give one ... | |
Bluesound Node130 LPS upgrade... Thanks for the feedback, y'all... have my main, 2 channel listening system, posted now with relevant pics. I believe your testimonies answer the question of whether or not the PSU upgrade improves the sound regardless of external DAC input. I, to... | |
Non-fatiguing speakers in $10K range? Visit The Audio Connection in the U-district... John should be able to accommodate you. He carries Monitor Audio - which I find to be very non-fatiguing, although I ended up getting a pair of Chapman T-7s from him a couple years ago. | |
Crackle and hiss on some albums Fwiw, I purchased two new records a couple weeks back and both were cleaned in the same exact manner(as I do with all new albums). One - Rush's "Exit... Stage Left" and Neil Diamond's "Hot August Nights" (a gift for my wife that she was very anxio... | |
Best Covers | |
Help me find a pre-amp I found myself in a very similar predicament... Huge fan of both Rush and Van Halen, as well. An even bigger fan of Stuart Jones' T-7s. But it seemed with my current set up, which is powered by a PrimaLuna integrated, liked to reproduce more intim... | |
Would It Be Possible To Get Help Finding This Song? Another option to locate the song would be to listen to the podcasts of those 3 days(they do include the bumper music between "blocks"). Once you define and share with us the minute marker and day, might be easier to help you. | |
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time The only person to get "Ice cold beer" right was Geddy... but then again, I'm a little biased towards my favorite little band from Canada. | |
Favourite Guitarists Bcuz they're not mentioned yet... Steve Morse Brian Setzer + 1 more for Alex Lifeson | |
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over............. Moving Pictures |