Shakti Stones Do they actuall work guys.

Shakti Stones: Does this work?

Where are you placing them if you only had one or two?
What is it doing to your system?

I need some straight answers please!
I can hear a difference in Powercords and cables and all others for sure, CONES and isolations devices work but depending, on my Table, you bet! On my amplifier I am not sure. so......any inputs are appreciated


Showing 1 response by bombaywalla

09-10-06: Timrhu
They definitely work if you believe they work.

09-11-06: Jax2
I believe if you believe in the belief that there is a possibility of believing something will work in the real world, and that your belief is what makes that thing work....wait a minute, I lost track of my beliefs...the whole thing's just unbelievable anyway.

Snatch the Shakti stones from my hand, young Grasshopper, and it will be time for you to leave.


2 best answers! :-) I don't know which one is better - Timrhu's answer is spot-on w.r.t. many things in audio. Marco, who I consider the court jester of Audiogon, has us tangled up in our beliefs as audiophiles - so true!

Rapogee, while you are at the Shakti stones, look into the Synergistic Research Acoustic ART voodoo stuff :-)