SGC vs Roon Nucleus

Is there a different between the Small Green Computer sonicTransporter i5 and a Roon Nucleus Plus other than $$$‽

Showing 3 responses by sbank


 He wants me to allow remote control into my computer system, which I won't do, for him to have access to the i5 and see if he can do anything about it. 

Andrew did this for me and fixed my issue in about a minute. I watched/chatted with him while he did it and saw every step of what he did; it's not like you give him your passwords or anything.I terminated his access at the end of the call. Apple Support does the same in certain cases. I considered myself lucky to have this high level of support. Andrew's a high integrity person, IME, and many others have attested to that here and elsewhere on many situations over many years. 

FWIW, the issue was caused by a Roon update, nothing with the SGC. Cheers,


+1 on the SGC comments. I was asking myself the same question a few months ago, concluded the Nucleus was less processing power with a nice case and branding premium. 
Having familiarity with the sonicorbiter browser interface, since I have owned Sonore rendu products for a number of years, it made the decision easy. 
FWIW, my Sonicorbiter was up and running in 5-10minutes, has run flawlessly and sounds great. Andrew is a gem. Cheers,
When I've seen seen any issue like you describe, it has to do with the local network, not For example, I use Eero mesh routers and look at my eero app to confirm that the rendu and sonicorbiter are visible and active on the network. Eero software updates have auto-installed requiring restarts of connected devices. If I don't know that happened, I might think the devices are giving me trouble.
With my opticalRendu, I have on occasion found that unplugging and re-plugging fixes things that a software restart doesn't. No idea why. 