SF Guarneri Homage or SF Extrema?

If you had an opportunity to buy a pair of the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (new) or Sonus Faber Extrema (mint used) what would you do? Forget about the cost differential and for now no other speaker recommendations please.

I listen to mostly blues, jazz, classical, and female vocalists. The front end is Esoteric DV-50, Ayre K-3x, and Ayre V-5x running all Cardas Golden Reference.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by kotjac

I owned the Extremas and heard the Guarneri on several occassions. Both speakers are excellent, with the Extrema speaking with a richer, fuller tone and the Guarneri a little brighter amd more transparent. The Extrema sounds "big", can play much louder, has explosive dynamics and great extension on the bottom. With the right amp it can produce quite some "punch", something that the Guarneri cannot do (Guarneri's bass is quite articulate but doesn't reach near as low). Both speakers have very refined and luxurious treble and they both image very well.

I can see Guarneri excel with small scale jazz and classical and the Extrema with rock and large scale orchestral music (although it can sound pretty refined with small scale music too).
The Guarner is easier to drive, whereas with the Extrema you'll need at least 200 watts of solid state or 100 watts of good tube amplification. Your Ayre amp is great, but it may not be enough.