SF Guarneri Homage or SF Extrema?

If you had an opportunity to buy a pair of the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (new) or Sonus Faber Extrema (mint used) what would you do? Forget about the cost differential and for now no other speaker recommendations please.

I listen to mostly blues, jazz, classical, and female vocalists. The front end is Esoteric DV-50, Ayre K-3x, and Ayre V-5x running all Cardas Golden Reference.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by daveyf

Interesting renewal of this thread. Right now I am discussing with another member on another forum the merits of the GH's vs. the Extrema's.
As some have said before, the Extrema's can drop down lower into the bottom end than the GH's BUT need a lot of power upstream to sing. IMHO, the GH's are a more complete design and a more refined speaker. The GH's are more capable in the all important midrange and at least in my small room; more precise and able in the imaging dept.
Add to that the overall coherence superiority of the GH's to the Extrema's and the decision becomes easy, at least to my ears.