Setup CD + SPL for Vandersteen Quatro

hi guys, wld greatly appreciate if u could guide me where i can possibily purchase the 'original' setup guide CD + suitable SPL to tune the 11 band equalizer myself ...

'original' ie. relevant to the instructions of the manual of the vandertseen quatro ...

tks a lot ...

Showing 1 response by zargon

The Vandersteen setup disk has tones that match the 11 EQ bands on the speaker. While these are ideal for adjusting the EQ, the Stereophile 1/3 octave bands will do almost as good a job.

The setup disk also has the 1k and 100 hz tones which are critical to verify that the crossover point is properly set with the high pass filter. Setting the dip switches by using the amp manufacture's stated output impedance is not always the best setting to get you the 100 hz crossover point. This is a critical thing to get right if you want to maximize low end performance.

Hopefully at some point this year I will find time to generate such a test disk for home use.