Setting up an audio system

I am a new member. I haven't listened to music in some time and am going to set up a system . I'm trying to balance price versus performance and I'm not sure if I've allocated properly. Currently what I've put together is B&W 802 D speakers , either a Cambridge Audio Azur 851 A or a Rogue Cronus magna amplifier , a Marantz CD 6005 CD player and a Audio Technica LP 120 vinyl player. Obviously the cost declines from speakers on down. My thoughts are that I can always upgrade the CD player and turntable later . I would appreciate the members advice about my choices and should I be considering other equipment . I understand now I need to actually audition the equipment. Thanks for your help.
Is vinyl important to you? How many LPs do you own? What are your musical goals?
I'm not sure vinyl is important it's just having the ability to use whatever medium I want to. My musical taste is widely varied. I listen to most genres
Since you have put together some good gear my advice would be to put off even considering any changes until you've listened to what you have for quite awhile. You'll learn what you like or dislike and then come back with specific questions that would help folks here help guide you toward what you might like better. And listening to other gear whenever you get the chance can be helpful but can also be confusing unless you can insert a piece into your own system.
I appreciate the insight I've gotten. Sfar the only stuff I've ordered is the turntable and CD player . Those obviously are the cheapest part of the system.
I have a system I haven't used in 25 years with a Luxman receiver and Klipsch Forte speakers. I plan on dusting them off and hooking the turntable and CD player into them if the receiver still works while I decide about the rest of the equipment . I never had time to listen to it much because of work but I'm now entering retirement /semi- retirement and thought now I have time to do other things and why not get back into audio and put together a system .
Like most of us ,the choices I made 27 years ago were based on what I could afford then but now my options are much less limited financially.
Based on the research I've done primarily on the internet this is the system I'm considering and I wanted to get members advice is this a good "fit"system or are there other components I should consider .
I started with the speakers as I'd read such good things about B&W 802 D speakers . The stuff I read about these speakers is really what piqued my interest in setting up a system . I haven't ever heard them yet but plan on "auditioning " a pair at a dealer next week .
I'm interested if members think there are other speakers I should audition and what would be a good choice for an amplifier/ pre amp or combination as I've listed to power the system .