SET/PSET Amp recomendation for Reference3A Episode

Hi Audiogoners,

I need some insight on what amp work best with my new speaker Ref 3A Episodes. I listen mostly to Jazz, Vocal and Classical with some occasional rock.

Any recommendations? I have smaller room 15x 15
my pre amp is TVC (Sonic Euphoria)


I own a couple SET amps of the 2a3 and 300b nature and have them mated to the appropriate speaker. BUT...I also have a more demanding speaker (Magnepan) in another system and I wanted to try a big SET on it. The one I bought and have been happy with for the last 4-5 years is the big Cary 805.

Cary has been making this amp since the mid 90's and there has been several iterations of it. The one I have and would recommend you looking into is the AE (Anniversary Edition), but I would not exclude the others. One of the things I like about the AE is that you can use either the 845 and 211 output tube just by flicking a switch. It's rated at 50 wpc with the 845 and 70 with the 211. I find it very musical. You might consider it.
i listen to a variety from blues/rock/jazz some classical

I was surprised what 4 watts or i should say about 1-2 watts

i set about 14 ft from the speakers

but there are a lot of set/sep amp putting 10+ wts out
Not familiar with your speakers, but if looking for higher power SET amps made in the USA, check out Audio Mirror. I have Vlad's 45 Watt SET monoblocks (more like 50 watts with peaks to 90) driving my 87db main speakers (Eggleston Works Fontaines) in a room larger than yours. Excellent build and SET sound quality is lovely. Also drop-dead gorgeous IMO too. I'd suspect no worries under-driving your speakers.

I always worried to under-drive my Episode. what kind of music are you listening to?
I was thinking of getting 20 watt P/SET 300b or even GM70 base amp (30 watts or more SET are $$$$$)
I am narrowing my choice down to several brands, but SACThailand amp comes to my mind, it just I don't know if I am going to like that amp, since US doesn't have any dealer.

I run my Ref3 A De Capos with a 4 watt Decware mini Torii in a 12 x 21 room. plenty loud. If you want more watts look at the other decware amps. But tubes are the way to go with Ref 3A