SET amplifier recommendation

 I have been listening push-pull tube amp for a long time. Finally I'd like to try SET. Seems a lot of people moving from push-pull to SET. My budget is <$3000. Looking at Coincident Dynamo MK III 300B. As there is no dealer for Coincident, i can not try it/hear it. Anyone has this? I'd like to hear your comments. i also looked at Decware, Bottlehead, etc. It seems Dynamo is better. Line Magnetic has some interesting ones. But i am not sure the quality can match Canadian made one. 
    My main speaker is B&W 805. Listening space is less than 400 sq ft. My current push-pull setup is CJ premier 15+CJ premier 17ls2+ Audio Research VT100 MKI. Thank you.

Showing 3 responses by br3098

You are not going to get far w/ a SET amp connected to your B&W 805s.  If you want to enjoy the great midrange magic that SET (or SEP) amps can provide, you are going to need a pair of efficient speakers that are happy at 8Ω or 16Ω impedence.  There have been lots of recommendations on Audiogon.  Do a search
Get a Golden Sound SE-40 PSE amp.
roberjerman2, do you mean the ubiquitous Golden Tube Audio SE-40?  If so, my guess is two of these bridged might work with the OP's B&W 805s but that's a hard row to hoe.  These amps need to be rebuilt and matched in order to extract the best sound and run reliably (ask me how I know this).

The B&W speakers are voiced for SS amplification and are never going to sound their best with tube amplification; possibly with the exception of a pair of Atma-Sphere OTL monoblocks.  My recommendation is to stay with SS or, if the OP really wants to do SET, change the speakers to something more appropriate.

I own 804S and when searching for amps I listened to them in the same room and setup with McIntosh MC252 (250W SS) vs MC275 (75W tubes), and preferred the 275.
Also, the 804S is not the same thing as the original Nautilus 805 stand mount speaker, which is what I assume the OP is using.  I have never met a tube amp that could provide speed or decent bass with the any of the original B&W Nautilus line.