SET 45 and their (real) required speaker efficiency


Gosh, wasn't sure if to post in the speaker or amp sections. But here it is. 

I've got a Finale/Triode Lab F-300B Monoblock amp paired with the Omega Super Alnico monitors stated at 94.5db efficiency. It does very well with this amp and I'm very happy with the pair overall. With classical being 90% of what I listen to, I guess I haven't really pushed the system to its limits, but it delivers plenty of what I like with acoustic instruments. Harmonics (texture and timbre), tone, minor dynamic shifts (musicianship), etc.

My question is for SET 45 tube owners and recommended speaker efficiency. Do the 2 watts from these amps have a 'real world' threshold where they simply can't deliver under a certain efficiency rating? So, for example, my speakers state 2 watts and up are enough. But I've had a few people tell me that 94.5db is not enough for this SET. However, on the Decware site, it does put a pair of Omega speakers on it's site as, what I imagine being a suitable speaker to pair with their 2 watt amps. The amp I'm thinking of getting will have Hashimoto transformers and a 20 watt output transformer. Not sure if that will give a bit more for the speaker to use or not. Also, are speakers w/o crossovers something to consider if I need to go look for another pair of speakers? Finally, what would your experience with the 45 SET amp suggest as far as the optimal efficiency rating for these tiny two watts?

Geesh, it's 5:40 am, no sleep yet, please ask a question if all the above sounds like someone hasn't had sleep yet.

Anyway thanks folks, really appreciate any suggestions to an optimal efficiency.

take care,


Showing 1 response by arion

VVCV, There are several factors that determine the speaker sensitivity needed to use 45 tube amps. Many have already been stated. Room size, music density, max SPLs for dynamic peaks, average listening volume, etc.Keep in mind that many manufacturer's speaker sensitivity ratings are for one central frequency. As ddriveman suggested the lack of headroom for dynamic peaks is often the limiting factor. Speakers without crossovers can help. Passive crossover can sometimes be a more difficult load and can consume power. A flat impedance curve and minimal phase anomalies help.

I use mostly low power SET amps to demo our speakers which have a sensitivity of 105 dB. We have two pair of 45 mono amps, a pair of 2A3 mono amps, a pair of 300B mono amps and a few other amps of various types. Our showroom is 21 feet by 31 feet with a ceiling that starts at 9 feet high and goes to about 14 high feet at the rear. Our speakers have separate powered woofers so the SET amps don't have low bass duty. The main towers go down to about 100 Hz but we typically set the active crossovers to 120 Hz. The amps are directly coupled (no passive crossovers) to the drivers. The 45 tube amps, to me, sound the best and have no trouble driving the towers to high volumes with no compression. In our setup the 2A3 amps are a close second. Our speakers are a line source so the dB loss per distance is less than a point source speaker which helps. 

Our speakers are unique in many ways so maybe not the best example but typically for a medium size room, listening to reasonable/enjoyable volumes a minimum sensitivity of 100 dB should work. With so many variables you should audition the potential combos.