service manuals ?

I have just become owner of a revox a 77 tape machine. As the prices for revision of this machine are somewhat outrageous, I 've decided to do what I can myself. A service manual, of course, would be a great help. Has anybody an idea where I could get one of those? Or has anybody experience in this kind of venture which he/she could share? Keep on wheeling!
aSK THESE PEOPLE. tHEY HAVE TONS OF MANUALS. gIVE IT A TRY. i'M GETTING MY McIntosh manual from them. Good luck. will put you in touch with the factory. thanks, ph805.527.9739 fax805.527.9808 eCatalog available. New equipment demo’s by appointment. All quotes are good for 30 days. Customers in every state, & 26 countries (angol/ingles/englisch/beszelunk magyarul!/ hablamos en espanol/wir sprechen deutsch).
My name is Dario and I live in Slovenia near the Austrian border. I have just get an old OAKLEY ''Image Six'' tube pre-amp as a gift from a friend. The unit need to be repaired but I am not the first one that try to do it. Someone put a few parts out but not back again. So the only possibility to repair this thing is to get a service manual - but where !? Has anybody an idea where I could get one? Thanks for any help and greetings from Slovenia !