Server/Streamer or Streamer/DAC?

does anybody have any insight into which of the above two options is overall better (e.g. more Pros and/or less Cons) than the other one, including bang-for-the-buck considerations, points of evolution, flexibility, total cost of ownership, SQ, and many other criteria, anything that comes to your mind?

Showing 1 response by tuckia08

There is a fair explanation of the benefit of using a better server/streamer, as compared to something like a stock computer, on the Antipodes Audio website and the reasons why. A soft tech explanation which enlightens.

I mostly play from a SSD, but occasionally stream from an unoptimized feed - stock modem, generic cat 5, via WiFi - into my Antipodes CX+EX. The CX does clean things up a bit. The empirical result is an SSD is much better. The stream is a little murky, less dynamic, less resolved, and lacks tone color in comparison. However, it is still good enough to be enjoyable. Optimizing the stream is on my to do list. Many report excellent results with audio grade switches, LPS, cabling, and other gadgets to isolate and eliminate noise.

IMO, you cannot overstate the importance of feeding your dac with a quality signal. There are many good, if varied, dacs out there. Servers/streamers are going through a phase of rapid progress and the SQ delta is large over a small time delta. Spend more on a streamer than a dac. The opposite was true 10 years ago.

Current digital front end: CX+EX > Ideon 3R MT reclocker > Lampizator Pacific.

I’ve ordered a Lucas Domansky Music Server to replace the CX+EX. Maybe a Taiko Extreme eventually. The CX +EX is very good, but the ball keeps rolling.