Seperate phono stage v.s. step up transformer

Fellow analog lovers help me with this dilemma. I have a Teres 265 turntable with a Graham 2.2 arm and a Lyra Helikon cartirdge. I just purchased a new preamp that has a terrific phono stage but, its' sensitivity is 2mV @47Kohms and the Lyra cartridge is only 0.22mV.
So I have 3 choices, get a new cartridge, get a seperate phono stage, or a step up transformer.
What would those of you with more experience in these things do? If it is change cartridge, which one? If seperate phono stage, which one? If a step up transformer can be used without sacrificing any detail, dynamics, etc. which one?
Thanks ahead of time to any of you that answer these questions.

Are you out of your mind? In the place when the barbarians like you delete each post that dose not support YOUR agenda you propose to find a valuable poster who value his/her own context. I am too familiar with your cheap, hypostatic tactics and too mach understand what stays behind your “diplomacy”

Regarding the rest, sweetheart, do not patronize me. I am very comfortable with who I am and put my understanding of audio, intellectual and life accomplishments against you and you-like ANYTIME. I know who and what hiding behind your implications and what agendas desperately trying to cash-out the chips of the “Romy-idiocy”.

Continue you cheap “play of public”.
Romy the Cat
You are too funny and highly pathetic there Romy. No one is "behind" what I say, as much as that fails to play into your neurotic and paranoid conspiracy theories. Pitiful. Get half a clue, then come back. On second thought, just stay away.

BTW, I have nothing to do with post deletion on this site or others though I know you use that claim as yet another ruse to deflect the real issue of your inadequacy and in attempts to engender some strange sympathy for your bogus "us against them", "I'm so oppressed" nonsense. Let's face it, you've been exposed, you're mad, and you can't fool me. Live with it.
Sure, and who put you in position to quantify me? Were it you yourself or was it your strong NEED do not admit the fact of your OWN exposition?

I was pronounced by many of your “friends” and the "mental colleagues", even presented with the evidences, that Romy is a high ranking member of mafia, the associate of Ocama bin Baden, hidden audio publisher, secret manufacturer of audio equipment, sexual offender, a 13 year old person, IQ-clanged person, well masqueraded audio dealer and of course the pinnacle of the audio intellectualism: a mad person...

Well, I admit that I am qualified to be all of them, even more: I am a person who read your cretinism, look at you and say: what a feeble idiot you are!

Signing off,
Romy the Cat
Yep, the person who is in his search for a Best Bolero and whose brain is just a pile of the primitive audiophoolic dogmas and fears have the dreams to be my challenger! Actually even your attention to “Romy the Cat” insults me.

The Cat