Separates vs. Integrated

Rather New to the site, however I have been doing a lot of research about putting together a system with separates. I was wondering if someone could recommend some good pre-amps/amps in the range of $500 - $2000 that I should check out as a kind of starter system. Also, I have been researching integrateds as well, which seem like you get more bang for your buck, but they are similar to receivers (ie. not separate) - thoughts on going this avenue as well would be greatly appreciated. Oh and planning on running vinyl and cds mostly.
Your budget for these can effectively double if you choose an integrated over separates.

Phaelon makes a valid point but I'm sure he meant to end the sentence...separates over integrated.
Agree with much of what has been said above. Integrateds will provide the biggest kick per buck. Here are some of my favorites between $1-2K, (but previously offered advice on the importance of amp and speaker matching should be considered in any purchase).

Naim Nait 5i - really sounds great. Don't worry about the stated power - plenty of current

Musical Fidelity A5 (used) - good, lots of head room, agree with poster above

Exposure 2010s - great bargain - good sound

Vincent Audio SV-236 MkII - hybrid - really, really good

NAD C-375BEE - great new product - plenty of power and drive and surprising amount of finesse at this price point

Anything new or used from Sim Audio

Anything used from Blue Circle.

For tube units, I like PrimaLuna, a lot. Simple, well made, good sounding, and relatively cheap. Look at the ProLogue 2
Thanks much for all the help and great suggestions. I am off to listen to some speakers. Going to check out some PSBs among others. Any suggestions you guys have?
On the Psb's category, the Platinum M2 are multichannel speakers system, all with aluminum-dome tweeters and impedance of 4ohm. Is the best cohice if you plan to use a multichannel.