Separate subs for music and HT/surround

My stereo setup is comprised of Ayre 5/20 series digital hub, preamp and amp that drive KEF Ref 1s through a passive Marchand high-pass filter. For HT and surround, LR side and rear surround from an SP3 go to NAD Class D amps that drive LS50s. The SP3 receives HDMI from an Ayre DX-5 DSD, and its front LR output goes to a balanced by-pass input of the KX-5/20. I have two Velodyne SMS-1 bass managers that provide acoustic room correction, two HGS-10 subs, and two HGS-15 subs.

Question: Should I use one SMS-1 with the two HGS-10s for stereo and the other SMS-1 with the two HGS-15s for HT and surround music? I realize there are advocates for using 4 subs, and I could daisy-chain the SMS-1s, but separating the SMS-1s seems a neat way to keep stereo separate from HT.

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Showing 1 response by big_greg

I'm not sure how this applies to the gear that you have, but my system initially started out more for home theater and over the years the focus has shifted to two channel listening.  I have 4 subs plus a HSU MBM-12 (12" "mid-bass module").

The four subs are connected to one pair of outs on my preamp, which has a home theater bypass option.  Each pair of subs are connected to one output using a Y splitter. 

The MBM-12 is connected to my Marantz pre-processor, which is only engaged for home theater.  The four subs are located throughout my living room in the fashion of a "distributed bass array" as best I can given space limitations.  

I have the subs optimized for music, but they also work great when I watch movies and the MBM-12 adds some visceral grunt to explosions, gunshots, etc.  It's easy to switch back and forth between music and home theater and both sound great.