Separate DAC or continue using the Oppo UDP-205


  I have all my music on a hard drive in FLAC.
I am a using Sonos Connect, Optically connected to the Oppo. From the Oppo (RCA'S out) to a Primaluna Dialogue     Preamp. The Amps are 2 Primaluna HP's. Martin Logan Theos speakers. I have rolled mostly all the tubes, and absolutely love the sound. Family and friends also love the sound.

 My question is, Should I continue going through the Oppo, or should I get a separate DAC? Nothing to crazy in price.
I have seen these things go for thousands, and thats fine if you can swing it. I was thinking around a $1000.
But, would it change the sound or would it pretty much be the same? In other words, is the Oppo that good at what it does?

 Since we are always tweaking our systems to make them sound better, I thought I would ask all of you first, before calling the salesman. I also have thought about  getting a turntable. But I gave away all my albums many years ago.
Buying a turntable, buying albums, taking care of all that stuff. Not really what I had in mind. I would like to keep it fun, and simple.

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Showing 8 responses by loganfan

Thanks for the fast responses,

 I have tried connecting the hard drive straight to the Oppo, It would not work. Maybe because the hard rive is set up on a MAC ?

 I think its great that we can post a question and get so many different opinions, but while I read all these answers I have to make a decision.

 So, I got another Hard drive. I formatted it to work directly with the Oppo, eliminating the Sonos. Now I can just switch the Oppo from Optical to USB and compare the sound. If I hear a difference I will let all of you know, I am sure I will.
Then I can see what direction I can go. I really thank all of you for your suggestions, and of course let you know what way I go. As I said in the beginning, I was happy with the sound, but always like to tinker. Especially if it doesn't cost a lot money.

 By the way, I would never sell the Oppo, It does an incredible job with DVD'S.


 OK, I did some comparisons. Switching from USB to Optical. Optical being the Sonos, USB is the hard drive straight into the Oppo.

 I give a slight edge to the USB. But not a crazy difference. I also notice that where I used to put the volume knob, the music is much louder. 

 Thanks for all the help
 My preamp has RCA's, that brand is out of my league. I was looking at the MHDT Orchid. In my budget, some nice reviews. However, spending $1200 and not hearing something is silly. I would like at least a week or 2 to listen to it.

 All my music is in FLAC, Whats the need for the Streamer? To hear songs I don't have yet?

Many of you have suggested a streamer. I have decided on a Cambridge Audio CXN (V2) 
 Once I get it, and get it all set up, I will report back. It seems to get nice reviews and also has a built in dac. I will see how this sounds. I can always by pass the internal dac on the Cambridge, and go through the Oppo. And if I want to play around further, I can always get a seperate dac.
So I went with the OPPO Modwright. I never even opened the Cambridge. I just sent it back. Used that money towards the Mod. I will get the UDP-205 Modwright back by Saturday. Of course I will let all of you know what I think. I have read all the reviews and they seem to be extremely positive. Once again, Thanks for all the suggestions.

 I have rolled in a Matsushita 5AR4, (waiting on a Mullard 5AR4) and 2 Mullard 6922 gold pins.
It sounds absolutely amazing. And the workmanship on the 205 looks great. Couldn't be happier.


I have rolled in a Matsushita 5AR4, (waiting on a Mullard 5AR4) and 2 Mullard 6922 gold pins.
It sounds absolutely amazing. And the workmanship on the 205 looks great. 
 Where the 205 seemed a little harsh sounding before the mod ,with my Martin Logan Theos, that is all gone now. It sounds smooth, and the harshness is gone. I think it was a great move, Couldn't be happier. 
