Separate DAC and Streamer or go with a Streamer DAC?

My system as of today is an Unison Research Unico Secondo integrated amp, I stream throw a oppo 103 that goes thru a musical surroundings my dacii out to a pair of Focal Kanta 2s. Had a buddy lend me a Schitt ygg. DAC for half a day and noticed nice improvements in my sound quality so I wanted to upgrade my DAC. In doing some research I might be able to upgrade my DAC and streamer in the same move. So I have it narrowed down to two strong choices with a possible third, my budget for this is $2,500.  If I go the separate route it would be an Aqua La voce s2 DAC into an innuos Zenmini mkii. Streamer both used and one generation old. The beauty of this I can get into the Aqua lineup with the ability to upgrade to any current model down the road. Option number 2 is to get a lumin D2 new all in one unit. Obviously it's the newest version, it's simple 2 in 1 ( saves money on cables) but the hardware is not upgradeable if I'd ever want to switch it's a who new unit. A third option would be the ifi pro idsd DAC streamer combo.  So I'm looking for some guidance and what would be the smarter direction to go, I see plus and minuses in both routes. Thanks for your thoughts.
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Showing 1 response by sjsfiveo

Well I'd like to thank all those who weighed in with their thoughts and ideas. A decision was made and I went the separates route. I did stay with the Innuos Zenmini mkii streamer but I ended up with a different DAC. As my friend put it I got the Holy Grail of deals, I'm the proud owner of a Aqua La Scala Mark II optologic. I've only had this up and running for 1/2 a day but it's like a whole new system it's truly something wonderful I couldn't be happier.

Thanks again,