Subjective if it is, subjective. It's not. The criteria for accurate measurements only need be noted as a 4 6 or 8 ohm voice coil.
WHERE the mic is placed and the fact that it is calibrated. That is the data we look for. The way to take measurement is to note HOW you did it. Should note temps, humidity and any other features. LIKE the ROOM.
The best place is at night in the open back yard...
The space the driver is in has nothing to do with it's POTENTUAL to perform in ANOTHER given space.. I think you're mixing up what a driver can do with what a drive IS doing...
Erik explained off axis response is just that. The better question is does it effect YOUR sweet spot because of it or the lack of it.. Off axis response that is... Wouldn't YOU have to be OFF axis to hear the difference. No ones moving in a listening room.. If they were it would be a BALL room. AY?
WHERE the mic is placed and the fact that it is calibrated. That is the data we look for. The way to take measurement is to note HOW you did it. Should note temps, humidity and any other features. LIKE the ROOM.
The best place is at night in the open back yard...
The space the driver is in has nothing to do with it's POTENTUAL to perform in ANOTHER given space.. I think you're mixing up what a driver can do with what a drive IS doing...
Erik explained off axis response is just that. The better question is does it effect YOUR sweet spot because of it or the lack of it.. Off axis response that is... Wouldn't YOU have to be OFF axis to hear the difference. No ones moving in a listening room.. If they were it would be a BALL room. AY?