Sensitivity in speakers

Just my luck I took woodshop instead of electrical engineering. Maybe if I undestood the difference between a volt vs. a watt, I might know how to pick my next speakers.

Here's the problem - as much as I like cranking it when the missus isn't around (perhaps I should reword that?), I want speakers that I don't have to blast to get a full bodied sound. Upgraditis has lead me to Manley Neoclassic 250's driven by a Manley Steelhead with a Sota Cosmos/Shelter901 and Wavelength DAC as sources (the sources courtesy of Jay Kaufman at Audio Revolutions - a truly great guy to work with). All of this runs into Von Schweikert VR-2's. A nice speaker from my POV but not quite up to the rest of the system.

Recommendations please - what speakers would fit into this system that would sound great at all volume levels? Of course like many of us I want soaring extended highs, warm, life-like mids' and bass from the bowels of the earth.

I don't have unlimited resources but I'd rather measure the distance between me and great speakers in time rather than current cashflow.

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Showing 2 responses by bignerd100

I've listened to the VR4-JR and VR4-SR in the VSA line.
The JR is a little bloated in the bass while the SR is much more refined. Neither gave gutwrenching bass extension though.
For that you may want to go with a subwoofer to compliment the speaker you choose.
Most good speakers sound good at low/reasonable volumes with good equipment upstream.
I don't think you necessarily need an efficient speaker to do that. In fact, i have found the opposite is often true. Many highly efficient speakers doo not oppen up in the bass until they are run fairly loud.

Try a line source speaker like an electrostat or planar. The large surface area can give a great sense of depth and immediacy at low volumes. You will need a stove of an amplifier to reach very high volumes though.

You can always implement tone controls.

Good luck!

What do you think of the Pi speakers? i have been looking at them as an esy DIY project. I spoke to Wayne several times and he seems like a really honest guy.

Thoughts? Oppinions?
