Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?

Hi All,

So I reached out to Simaudio as my amp (Simaudio Moon Titan HT200 5 channel) is getting a bit long in the tooth. It performs truly flawlessly and is just beautiful and barely even gets warm after running all day long. I was just more curious than anything about lifespan, etc. Simaudio replied right away. They said all the units they'd manufactured since 2001 are still "active". However they did recommend sending it to them (if I could be without it for a few weeks) for "cleaning and calibration".  

Couple of things, I can't even go 1 day without this unit. But beyond that just the thought of packing this thing up and shipping literally makes me cringe. I'd certainly pay extra if there was some way to avoid UPS/FedEx or any other means like that. Any recommendations and have any of you ever done something like this?

Would appreciate any advice. Thanks all in advance...

Showing 7 responses by kingbr

Hi Folks,

GREAT advice - thank you All for taking the time to respond!

@jayrossi13 even if Fed Ex (UPS is every bit as bad) offered to come pick it up and ship for free I wouldn't do it, LOL!

@oldhvymec great call. I will either go freight and wrap/strap/pack the pi$$ out of it, or road trip depending on where they are. I'm waiting to hear back from them on this. That would actually be my first choice! And thanks great call reaching out to Simaudio and asking for a shipping carton. I do have the original box and packing but at this point it's like a Rubik's Cube to put back together and I just don't want to play with that.

Christ the thought of disconnecting, packing, shipping and most of all being without this for weeks is giving me pause. I know it'd be worth it but damn! 
HILARIOUS!!!! Thanks MC, great way to talk me out of doing this, LOL! Believe me I was trying not to even let this get into my head because as I stated above my back hurts just thinking about it. I remember carrying this in literally 1 step at a time and needing a rest - and I'm in pretty damn good shape but this is the beast man!

This all just started out because I was wondering what the typical lifespan of a unit like this was (I just got it 1 year ago used) and I run it every day. I just wondered if having it "tuned up" would help extend its lifespan. And I waited almost 20 years to get my hands on this thing (could not afford it new but always wanted this unit) so I figure I want to make it last man...

If it ain't broke don't fix it...true words to live by thanks for putting that into perspective @stereo5 

I did just find out that they are within driving distance of where I live  actually (4 hrs and some change),does this change things? LOL!
WOW! First I want to thank all of you for taking the time to offer great advice on both ends of the spectrum. Great arguments both for and against, what to do????

I feel like getting total peace (Piece for all us Maidenheads :) of mind of having the high end pros at Sim do their thing and get the green light and gain the confidence knowing she's got a clean bill of health...

However I keep coming back to "if it ain't broke", and the disconnecting, lifting (and I have decided if I do have this done I am doing the road trip thing, as yes @jl35 I completely trust Sim, I would love to keep forever, and I do enjoy driving), going without really just so does not at all appeal to me...And thank you @philiptamarkin for the White Glove info offer. And thanks @gochurchgo for the offer to assist but I'm on the other side of the country in NH...

I will follow up when I make the decision (still waiting to hear back from Sim on the address and if I can drop it off in person)...

Regardless you all have provided great info and some good laughs and I can't thank you All enough for taking the time to help. I feel like this thread represents the best of what this site is all about, at least for me anyway! Good stuff! You guys are awesome man!
Thank you again...Yes, if I do decide (and am leaning in that direction for all the good reasons many of you have offered such as an enjoyable road trip, want this amp to last as long as possible, the thought that its sound could actually improve) it will most definitely be well packed but I will be its chauffer. If Sim allows and they confirm the address I have is the same then that'll tip the scales and I'll do it. 4 hrs and some change drive and I can keep my eye on its travels does make the lifting and disconnecting and separation a bit easier to handle. Not sure when, I guess whenever they suggest would be the best time so as to minimize my separation from it. 

@bob540 thank you for the kind words and support. Appreciate it...Very cool man:)

@mitchagain, I have everything plugged into a Furman Elite 20PFI which is plugged into a dedicated 20 amp circuit which is under the protection of a Leviton whole house surge protector. Gotta believe I'm safe as kittens for the most part:). But thanks for sharing your experience and that is also what is driving me a bit as well, the thought that this unit could actually be improved...
thanks @arcticdeth great advice and that is exactly my thinking. Making it into a nice day trip/adventure with the wife to include breakfast and stops along the way. And thank you for the kind words on the amp. She really is a beauty which is why I never gave up looking to get my hands on her for something I could afford for the last 20 years:)

Sim responded and said I could do it but I need to declare it (not really sure what this entails but that can't be too painful). They also needed some more info asking if I had the original carton and asked for the serial number. Sent my reply last night and now waiting for next steps. 

It is working magnificently and didn't even give something like this a thought until it was suggested from the good folks at Simaudio as I had wanted this amp for over 20 years and now want this to last as long as possible. If I were not within driving distance I wouldn't do it but since I am and Sim is ok with it, I've decided to do it!

Once again I cannot thank you all enough for all of the great advice and support! Always appreciate folks taking their time to give great advice!
@jnovak Thanks for responding - you know this thought did actually occur to me as well. Kinda ties in with the "if it ain't broke don't fix it", LOL. Or be careful what you wish for:). However I do have tremendous trust and faith in the folks at Sim and why I wouldn't bring this amp anywhere or to anyone else...Plus just as it's always good to get your routine check ups with your PCP I'd love the confidence of hearing from the folks at Sim that she's all good to go. Worth a nice road trip and $350 for the servicing which I thought was a tremendous price considering the cost of Sim gear!