send the electrician !!!

When i first upgraded my system I put in two 20 amp dedicated power lines because my house didn't have accessable power where the system had to go. I never had a chance to hear it through "normal" house wiring. I just moved this weekend and hooked my system up to the existing house power so I could have some tunes pending installation of dedicated lines. AAAARGH!!! Where went the dynamics, what happened to all that space and air around the players, what is that godawful hiss coming through my speakers. The chiorboy who listened to the sermon has now actually seen the light and I say to all non-believers get thee an electrician! As a side issue..... Due to WAF room arrangement priorities I need some long IC. Does anyone have any suggestions for an IC to replace HT Pro-Silway Mk II (maybe with some improvements in the lower mids) that I can get in 30 ft lengths without resorting to selling future children into servitude. The IC is between VTL amps and VTL pre-amp Does anybody audition these kinds of lengths??.

Showing 1 response by stephen_sank416c

I can extremely highly recommend LAT IC-200 or IC-100 cables for long IC runs. I've personally heard them at 18ft with no discernible difference compared with a 1m run. Very, very reasonable pricing. As for break in, I have found the best way, and the fastest, to break in audio interconnects is to use them as digitals for a couple of days. In fact, you can just connect the two cables in series with a cheap coupler, put between transport & DAC, and just leave the transport turned on for a day or two that way. The DAC need not be on & a disc need not be playing. You'll also find out that the LAT IC cable makes a damned fine digital cable. Not quite as good as mine, though. If you do the same procedure with your other IC's, you will very likely get smoother top end & more open-ness out of them, no matter how well used they are.