Selling price of Shunyata Python Alpha Helix 1 meter 20 amp Power Cord/Cable

I have one to sell and just can’t seem to find past sales information on what price to put on this power cable.  It doesn’t seem to come up for sale often.  Can anyone advise on the price I should list?  Thanks.
It's a nearly 15 year old model.

If your considering more than half the retail, it may stay listed for awhile. IMO, half is still high. If a cable listed for $1k, I wouldn't consider it for more than $450-500.

Used audio gear/peripherals is for a small group of enthusiasts, in the know. Outside of that, it's junk to everyone else.

I got most all my pricey cable used.Great way to get nice stuff. Thankfully, I'm done with the madness of buying.selling stuff.
$10.00 and I will pick up the shipping. Send me an email and we will close this deal.