Selling my dads top of the line system

My father just passed of a stroke suddenly. He was very big in the audio game. He as Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers, 2 mark levinson model 536 pre apps, Mcintosh C50 pre amp, Cambridge Audio Azur 751BD blue ray player, at least 3 Audio quest water cabels, 2 or more viper power cables. This is what I know of that he currently has hooked up. What is my best option for selling it? Should I bundle it together, or piece it out? He loved his system so I don’t just want to sell it for nothing, but honor his memory and make sure the system finds a good home. If I did not have 3 kids  Home audio stores by me have been no help. Its all in premium shape, with the boxes, manuals, and remotes.

Showing 1 response by andrewkelley

My dad was a musician, and I grew up in the studio. He died when I was 17. I took all his gear to a consignment shop, which closed down, and I never saw or heard anything of it again. I regret it deeply. I wish I could’ve kept it and shared with my son.