Self Powered Outdoor Speakers

I have a similar thread going in the PC Audio section with not much response.

Can anyone recommend a powered outdoor speaker to use in connection with a wireless server? I have a couple of systems in the house connected to my iMac, one using Apple TV and another using a ROKU Soundbridge. I would like to move the music outdoors, but can't run speaker cable from inside the house, so an Airport Express/ powered speaker set-up seems to be the best way to go.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by panzrwagn

Russound makes an in-wall WiFi streamer w/BT and Alexa compatible amp that may be helpful. I tried 3 other 'solutions' to get music on our lanai, including Zone B from an AVR,  an in-wall BT only amp, and a pair of Echo speakers. Only the Echo solution actually worked, but the SQ was meh. The Russound wired up to my in-ceiling Polks sounds really nice, with an oddly entertaining overhead stereo soundstage and image.