Seems like a lot of folks are putting their Primaluna amps for sale...

No agenda here, just surprised how many new/newish/older Primaluna amps and integrateds are for sale as of late. Nothing but great reviews and a lot of fans out there. Any negatives or not-so-happy customers?

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

Can’t avoid sounding like a broken record....great time to buy stuff.

If I find an "act now" deal for a dialogue pre/monos,I just may have to grab them.
Nah, I want to find the deal that will NEVER come even as this madness plays out.

My PL HP is ready for the $45K Sonus Faber Stradivari's for $10K!!!!

All this extra time ,I could mod my HP integrated. Drop some nice coupling caps and a other tweaky thnigs to make even MORE voodoo music.

There’s more than a couple years of archives and endless opinions which are no different than other fine gear.

Go and find EXACT build/part/performance in a USA spec. Good luck finding it. They are not unique if you break it down. Line Magnetic and probably a couple more are worth checking out also.

Negative reviews are necessary for perspective, but the ears have the final say, like ANY equipment.
At least my when I checked here, there were 3 pieces. Not an eyebrow raising amount.