Seeking wisdom the forum | Shunyata Venom vs WyWires Platinum vs Less Loss C-MARC Prime

Hello community and power cable aficionados. My currently power cord linup:

 - Shunyata Research Venom X EF > Oppo BDP105D Universal Disc player 

-.WyWires Silver Series Digital Juice II > Naim nDAC 

‐ Shunyata Research Delta NR v1 > Teddy Pardo XPS linear power supply 

- Shunyata Research Alfa EF > Supernait 3 Integrated Amplifier 

I'm using a Teddy Pardo XPS linear power cable on the Naim nDAC powering the Analog section of the nDAC. 

I'm using a Teddy Pardo TeddyCap SE powering the preamp section of the Supernait 3. Cabling for the power supplies are designed by Pardo. Furutech FI-50 Rhodium, Stainless Steel Carbon Fiber Connectors. $375. bucks per connection. 

I may be on the verge to move away from Shunyata Research so any and all feedback is welcomed. 








Showing 1 response by philipwu

hi , i'm not sure if posting here regarding Wywires is appropriate ? 

Has anyone ordered from Wywires recently ? Did the owner or any representative provide prompt replies? i had paid for 2 power cables , Alex promised that he would complete soon as he was delayed by some personal issues. That was about 2 weeks ago. i recently emailed him again on Sun and he haven't reply since. 

i'm worrying about his condition.  

Thanks for any info.  regards,
